These quick and easy sourdough scones have all the things your body loves and none of the things it doesn’t.

Do You Like Scones?

When I was little, we called fried pieces of bread dough “scones”. I hadn’t ever heard of or eaten the biscuit type scone that is most commonly known.

Honestly, the first time I had a real scone, I wasn’t too impressed. It was kind of dry and kind of bland.

However, I actually really love these delicious sourdough scones because they are neither dry nor bland.

Easier and Dairy Free

Making these scones with coconut oil and coconut milk allows all the people in our house to enjoy them because they are dairy free.

Honestly though, the coconut oil and milk also make them very simple to put together and yummy to eat. Even if you don’t need to be dairy free, try them just as the recipe says and see how you like them.

In a more authentic scone, cold butter is used and it is either grated or cut into the flour mixture. Those small chunks of butter help make the final product flakier.

With this recipe there isn’t any need to cut in the oil or grate it. It gets dumped in with the rest of the ingredients and mixed. The texture is still delicious though perhaps a little different than the classic scone.

Power Combination: Whole Grains and Sourdough

The recipe also calls for part whole grain flour. Adding whole grain flours to your homemade goods increases the fiber and the vitamins. They will help you feel full faster and stay fuller longer.

The combo of sourdough with whole grains gives you the best of both worlds. Sourdough processes the grain so the nutrients can be more easily absorbed by our body and the whole grains have an increased amount of those nutrients that our bodies so desperately need.

Delicious Additions!

The add-ins for these scones are really quite endless. The two I have pictured are chocolate chip and blueberry but you could easily add white chocolate chips and craisins, chopped apples and cinnamon or chopped peaches.

My mother-in-law loves to make cinnamon chip scones. Chopped nuts or raisins could be delicious. Make a savory scone by decreasing the sugar and adding chopped pepperoni, basil and garlic. Get creative!

My method for forming the scones might be unique but it works really well for me and makes it quick and easy in the morning to get them cut and in the oven. Try it out. You might love it too!

Basic Sourdough Scones

1 cup whole grain flour – I use Einkorn flour

1 cup organic all-purpose flour (or more whole grain flour)

1/2 cup coconut sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 cup coconut oil -soft but not melted

1/2 cup bubbly, happy sourdough starter

1 egg

1/3 – 1/2 cup full fat coconut milk

1/3- 1/2 cup preferred add-in


Add the flours, sugar, salt and baking powder into a bowl. Stir until combined. Add the coconut oil, starter, egg, milk and add – in. My sourdough starter is a thick pourable consistency. Depending on the thickness of your starter, you may need more or less milk. Stir until everything is just barely combined.

The dough should be thick enough to hold its shape when you press it into its form. You don’t want to over mix the dough. If you look at the pictures below you will see, it is left a little shaggy.

If you are using wetter add-ins, such as fruit, make sure the dough isn’t overly wet. As it ferments, it will thin out a tiny bit more with the juices of the fruit.

Next, pull out a piece of plastic wrap that is long enough to cover all of your dough. Dump the dough onto the piece of plastic wrap. Gently form the dough into a rectangular log. See photos below. Wrap the rectangular log in the plastic wrap. If you need to form it a little better, sometimes it is easier once it is all wrapped up.

Now, you will leave the wrapped dough on your counter for 8-12 hours. I like to mix up the dough in the evening before bed and then leave it on the counter all night and in the morning it is ready for the next step.

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. The dough will have puffed up inside the plastic wrap. Carefully unwrap the dough and cut it into triangles.

Place the triangles onto a baking sheet. Bake for 20-25 minutes until edges are just barely starting to brown and tops looks a bit flaky.

You can top with a little glaze or leave just as they are. I love maple sugar for glaze. It is a less refined sugar and has a nice subtle flavor.

Dump the dough onto the plastic wrap.
Form it into a thick rectangle.
Wrap it completely with the plastic wrap.
After 8-12 hours it will have puffed inside the wrap.
Unwrap it and cut it into triangles.
Place on a baking sheet.

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